Los Angeles as-built services map

Get As-Built Quotes in Los Angeles, CA

In Los Angeles, the Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) oversees as-built documentation and other construction-related requirements. This department is responsible for ensuring that all construction projects, remodels, and modifications comply with local building codes, zoning regulations, and safety standards.

In Los Angeles, as-built requirements often involve adhering to specific guidelines to meet city standards and ensure accurate documentation of existing conditions. Some key requirements for as-built services in Los Angeles include:

  • Accurate Floor Plans: Providing detailed and scaled floor plans that reflect any changes made during construction, including room dimensions, wall placements, doors, windows, and structural elements.
  • Elevations and Sections: Creating detailed elevation and section drawings that illustrate exterior and interior features, including materials, finishes, and structural elements, to meet local building code requirements.
  • Site Surveys: Conducting site surveys to capture accurate measurements of property boundaries, setbacks, landscaping, utilities, and any existing structures, especially for remodels and additions.
  • Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical Details: Recording the location and specifications of electrical systems, plumbing, HVAC, and other essential building infrastructure to comply with city permitting and safety standards.
  • Compliance with Local Codes: All as-built documents must meet the requirements of the Los Angeles Building Code (LABC), which includes standards for safety, accessibility, fire codes, energy efficiency, and zoning.
  • Digital Submission Formats: The LADBS typically requires as-built documents to be submitted in a digital format, such as PDFs or CAD files. Some projects may require specific file types or formats, like DWG or DXF, to ensure compatibility with the city's systems.

The official LADBS website provides resources, permit guidelines, and contact information:
Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS)

Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety has transitioned to its new, improved interactive map application, Atlas:

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